The Ride to Hell

After the Nuclear Holocaust the only habitable places left are Taswegia and New Haka.

Emergency! Alex Brand reporting. A force calling themselves, "The Alliance" has landed at all major ports in Taswegia.

They are killing all the Parliamentarians on the lawns of Parliament House. They are murdering people as I speak. They are approaching my position now; I have to run ... (silence).

Dick, an ex-Navy Clearance Diver and his wife Patch looked at each other, they didn't know such a large force had survived the Nuclear Holocaust, this was not good!

What can Dick, Patch and their close friends who are now fighting for their lives against unbelievable odds do?

Find out in Rick Allen's latest book Toast Book 1 The Ride to Hell.

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Soft CoverISBN: 978-1-922327-59-8
AUD $26.95 + $15.00 POSTAGE
eBookISBN: 978-1-922327-60-4
AUD $9.95 (Instant Download)
Book Information
Category: History
Language: English
Pages: 380
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