The New Chinese Province

Join Egras and Einna as they swage their way through the aftermath of what is being described as a subtle Invasion. Both are part of an Elite team gathered by a joint ASIO/CIA force. These forces, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation and the US Central Intelligence Agency have gathered a group of ex and still serving patriotic military experts; together they will fight evil and rid their lands of the white collar invaders. With infiltration rife amongst all levels of government and the Military ranks, they can trust no one outside their AES (Australian Elite Service).

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Soft CoverISBN: 978-1-923250-01-7
AUD $36.95 + $15.00 POSTAGE
eBookISBN: 978-1-923250-02-4
AUD $9.95 (Instant Download)
Book Information
Category: History
Language: English
Pages: 415
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